10 Things about Me
I’ve noticed that my blogs are different than many other women’s blogs. When I look at posts from blogs like http://boredhousewife.blogspot.com/ I notice that they are a bit more telling of thoughts, feelings, and personal information that allows the reader to get to know the writer. I don’t generally write those types of soul bearing entries. When you look at my blog, it would seem that I don’t reveal much personal information. But if you REALLY look at my entries, you can learn a lot about who I am:
1. I am interested in technology (from posts like “ Palm Life Drive Review” and I Want This!!!-Sony VAIO VGC-V617G Desktop PC) AKA I’m a geeky chick.
2. I Like to cook (from the recipe posts)
3. I like Marilyn Manson (from “What’s the Diva Google-ing”)
4. I think farts are funny
5. I like to write (from my Writer’s Notebook posts and the fact that I have a blog)
6. I have strong opinions (from my Diva Rants)
7. I like to clean (from “The Truth about Dirt, Germs, and Cleaning)
8. I’m into environmentalism, at least slightly (from “The Truth about Dirt, Germs, and Cleaning, and the Alternative Menstrual Products series )
9. I have red hair (everywhere) (from “Yes, I’m a Red-Headed Diva”)
10. I have a three-year-old (from “What Ever Happened to The Cast of Annie” )
The picture above was taken right after I had my daughter. My hair was short then, and I had to Photo Shop in 1/2 an eyebrow b/c I accidentally shaved 1/2 of it off (don't ask.)