Okay, I'll admit it, I've fallen under the Super Target spell more than I care to admit. What's the Super Target Spell you ask? It’s the phenomenon that occurs when you go into Target to get JUST toothpaste and tampons and $150.00 later, you come out with bags full of Isaac Mizrahi dog accessories, the newest Swiffer floor mop, and some really groovy Christmas ornaments.
But apparently, all of the business generated by the God fearing Christians isn't enough to keep them from succumbing to the tyranny of the minority. Yes people, Target has whimped out and lost a battle in the war with the Politically Correct Disciples of The US. They are no longer using the word Christmas in their ad/promotions. They would rather cater to the minority of customers as opposed to the majority. Why can’t they say Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Hanukkah (even though neither can be compared to Christmas)? That’s dumb. Just b/c a religion or certain people don’t celebrate a holiday, doesn’t mean a store can’t use the term. Most people celebrate Christmas. The people who don’t, don’t necessarily have a holiday that is equivalent to Christmas. Using the term Christmas shouldn’t offend anyone. Many atheist/agnostics celebrate Christmas as a celebration of winter. If someone doesn’t celebrate it, can’t they just ignore the term? It seems like Target is alienating more people than it is placating.
The whole PC movement is really pissing me off. It was bad enough when I stopped being able to use the word retard on any female dominated message board. Now, my favorite store is basically detaching itself from my very favorite holiday? Ugh. I would boycott, but I’m not quite that radical, and then I would be denying myself the shopping experience that is Target.
Want to read more Diva opinions on this topic? Check out what originally inspired my post:
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