In a desperate effort to find out which Desperate Housewife I’m most like, I decided to go online and take a quiz or two. If you take any of these, leave me a note telling me who you are. If you want to take one of them, just click on the hot pink text next to each quiz number.
Quiz #1- ABC Desperate Housewives Quiz
According to this quiz, I’m a Susan
“You always mean well, but somehow, things don’t always work out as planned. It doesn’t matter. You take your tumbles with good grace and always come up smiling. But try to remember that you’re the grown-up in the family.”
Quiz #2- (This one is a bit short) Some DH quiz a random girl made up on quizilla
According to this quiz, I am a Bree.
Congratulations! You are Bree Van De Kamp, the
Martha Stewart on steroids, whose family is
about to mutiny.
Which Desperate Housewife are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
And finally, for now, Quiz #3-
A DH quiz by the Brits
You're Bree
I don't know how she does it. People say this often about you, because you always seem to have it all under control. Your home is tidy, your hair is perfect, and you're always impeccably turned out. Your friends would hate you for your finesse in the kitchen (on top of everything else) if they didn't enjoy your cooking so much. You enjoy doing things the right way and take satisfaction in being capable. While some might tag you as an annoying type A, that sells you short. You work hard at making your life what you want it to be - that's why you see results.
Just keep in mind, however, that not everyone has the same standards or priorities that you do. Your zeal for doing things your way can have a tendency to alienate those around you, who feel like there is no room for error on their part. You might also want to ask yourself if you concentrate on the little tasks to avoid focusing on the big issues, such as: are you happy? Is your relationship where you want it to be? Is your career satisfying? Take time to mull over the big questions, even if that means skipping your weekly sock-drawer organizing session. Don't let your good habits get in the way of enjoying life. Leave the washing up in the sink for one night in favor of cuddling on the sofa. Lighten-up, so the fun side of your personality shines through too.
So, the Brees’ have it. I’m a Bree.
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