Just so there's no confusion, I'm fat becasue I am a fabulous southern cook, and because of my intense adoration of cookies and cream ice cream. Mexican food is another factor. My comment about will power was showing that I can exercise control by drinking diet drinks. Now if I could just stop eating those Klondike Cookies and Cream Bars. I don't know how they end up in my cart. It's the evil grocery store gnome. He runs around stuffing unwanted items into people's carts. They don't notice these items until they get home. Then, since they paid for them, they don't want them to go to waste or anything.......
I also wonder, does it bother skinny people when a fat person doesn't feel bad about themselves? I don't feel bad about myself. I don't look in the mirror and think about the fact that I'm large. I don't cry or feel bad about being large. Lots of times, I think I look downright good. No one looks at me or makes rude comments. I occasionally even get men who come on to me. I do know that for health reasons, being thin is better. I'm sure I'd be more energetic if I were thin. I would also enjoy being able to wear sexy tight clothes (I am not one of those big girls who wears crop tops and tight jeans-- I have some taste.) I always have wondered if skinny people think that all fat people feel bad about themselves, or should feel bad about themselves. Would it piss off a skinny person to know that there are confident big people who don't fret about their appearance, or even think that fat looks bad? What about the fact that some women actually like big guys, and some men like big girls??? Would they be mad if they knew that some of us wouldn't lose weight if our doctors didn't berate us that we could one day develop health problems (even though the health is perfect right now???)
1 comment:
It's not about what others think about you or what you look like. It's about quality of life, long life, healthy life. Got to your blog on the random blog button. Start with more exercise if you want a change.
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