Sunday, May 21, 2006

Lap Band Friday

So, I'm finally getting my lap band Friday. I've been on a liquid diet since this past Friday and have lost 4 lbs. The liquids consist of coffee, tea, low fat milk, broth, 2 Slimfasts per day, Gatorade, strained wonton soup (I've been doing strained egg drop since it has almost no fat and is low cal) jello and apple juice. I've been doing light Frappacinos (instead of Slim fast)since they have skim milk and coffee and less sugar than a Slim Fast and as much protein. I've been doing well. I feel kind of zapped, but am better today. We actually took Lauren to the park this morning and walked while she rode her bike. It was so nice!!!

I'm going to Super Suppers tomorrow night to make 12 dinners for Lauren and Aaron. I won't be able to have true solids for four weeks. I'll do two weeks of liquids (I can have cream soups, shakes, and smoothies.) Then I'll do two weeks of mushies like mashed potatoes, refried beans, etc... I want my family to have good food even if I can't cook it. So, we are doing SS. For those of you not familiar with the concept:

Supper Suppers Website

I also found an interesting and kind of funny blog post about someone's experience with Super Suppers:

Random Outlaws Supper Suppers Ordeal

Anyway, I'm going tomorrow. I'm going again in late June so I can make some healthy and portion controlled meals for when I can have solids. I figured it would make healthy eating a bit easier. I'll probably do Weight Watchers and Lean Cuisine frozen meals for lunch.


Lisa C. said...

Hey! Congratulations on your surgery (that's kind of a weird thing to say...). I was going to reply to your email but decided to comment instead!

I'm actually using a different dinner provider now. It's called The Dinner Station. The food is a lot better than Super Suppers and they have more options. If you're interested their web address is

Sisterfunkhaus said...

I am very interested!!! My friend goes there and said it is great. There is one about 15 minutes from me, so I'll try it out soon. I'm glad to run into someone else who likes it!!!