Thursday, April 13, 2006

Random Question-

I've decided to start asking myself random questions. This weeks question:

So, Sisterfunkhaus, tell us, Why is it cool to be you?

Hmmmm. Interesting question. Let's see, it's cool to be me because-

I have red hair
I can cook awesome Southern food
I am artistic
I can fart like a man
I graduated from college with honors even though I'm a HS dropout
And, I look like John Malkovitch (did I spell that right???)

So, I Look Like John Malkovich--My Life is Complete!!!

I just saw this on Good Morning America. You upload a front facing photo of yourself and it analyzes your face to tell you what celeb(s) you look the most like. It uses facial recognition software. You have to join (free) to view results-

Click Here for the Celeb Face Match


I submitted my photo from below (the one from "By the way, I am fat.")
My first "match" was Kiera Knightly at 61%, who I hate.
The next was Alizee 61%, who I have no idea about????


Sofia Coppala 61%
Cyndi Lauper 60%
Kate Hepburn 60%

I ran a similar photo taken at the same time, but with my mouth closed and a serious look on my face and got:

John Malkovich 64%-ROFLMAO, I look like John Malkovich more than I look like anyone else--OMG!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I also got Julianne Moore at 61%
Suzanne Vega 60%

I ran another with my hair pulled back and no makeup on and got:
Kate Hudson 66%
Ashley Judd 50%
Marcia Cross 50%

I ran a different photo from when I was 50 lbs. lighter. It was really close up too. I got:

Marcia Cross 62%
Lindsey Lohan 62%
Demi Moore 61%
Natalie Wood 60%

Even though I was matched with some hot people (and John Malkovich) I'm thinking that this software isn't that reliable. The only person it matched me with twice was Marcia Cross, even with similar photos and similar weights, from similar angles. It was fun to play with though!!!


I wanted to match my husband. Unfortunately, he is usually behind the camera so I had to take the one photo I could find and crop me out of it. Here's what came up:

Richard Gere-62%--This isn't surprising AT ALL b/c this is who everyone thinks he looks like.
Matthew McConaughey 52%
Gael Garcia Bernal 51%-Who he knows I have a HUGE crush on.

Very interesting.

Monday, April 10, 2006

For Those of You Who are wondering What the Hell I'm Talking About

Here is an recent article on Dena Schlosser:

Click here for Dallas Morning News Article on Dena Schlosser

Here is more about Eugenics:

Wiki Article Defining Eugenics

This is a mainly propaganda, but what the hell:

Eugenics-War Against the Weak

Eugenics is Alive and Well

I just wanted to report that the eugenics movement is alive and well in the good old USofA on a women's web board calld the address is You have to join to look, but in a nut shells, there is more than one person who thinks that someone who commits a crime against a child should be sterelized, or that someone who isn't "wired right" should be killed.

Specifically, I am talking about Dena Schlosser, the woman from Texas who killed her infant child and severed her arms. She was later found to have a brain tumor and found not guilty by reason of insanity. Yet there were several comments that pointed to a return to World War II Eugenics type thinking:

"I want to take that women out and cut her arms off...."

"I will help you!"

"I think she should be sterilized and never be allowed to have more children."

"People like that are wired wrong and should be killed."

"I think that sterilization is a good idea."

"I think they should have their heads blown off..."

"I say cut out their reproductive organs with a dull rusty knife, tie their tubes, burn em, jump up and down on their uterus and do whatever the hell it takes to make it to where they could no longer bare children."


I am so thankful that we have a court system that protects people who have brain tumors and severe, uncontrollable chemical imbalances from being lynched by people who don't know all of the facts. A jury found her not guilty. That's 12 people who heard and know a lot more than any of us do. God bless the court system. God bless rational thinking.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Next Food Network Star

I was so loving "The Next food Network Star" tonight. I was pretty shocked that Andrew was eliminated, even though when I took the poll on the web site I predicted it would be him. After watching tonights show, I expected Reggie to be booted off. He stunk tonight. He's so fake and, well, stupid.

On another note, Carissa took me by surprise. Her show idea was GREAT. That's a show I want to see. I'm afraid she isn't long for the road once the idiot drones of America start voting on who stays. On the web site, she was chosen as the next one people would choose to boot off, which means people don't like her. I'm guessing that WOMEN don't like her. Let's face it, most women HATE beautiful, intelligent, strong women. It makes them feel threatened. So, we end up losing brilliant talent like her because a bunch of jealous bitches can't deal with their own inadequacies.

Speaking of inadequacies--NATHAN SUXS ASS. He is so full of himself. He uses ingredients that aren't accessable to most people, and he's going bald. He also reminds me of my DH's stupid ass, anal retentive, porn addict friend. He's just a goon.

When it comes down to it, Carissa has the show idea and the looks; Guy's got the personality (and worst name.) Those two are the only people left who should even still be on this show. The other two are no talent doofuses.

Now Women Can Pee Standing Up!

This is BRILLIANT. It had me rolling

Click Here to See the Pee Mate

Love this Blog!!

This is the best blog I've seen on the net. It's written by a female NYC cabbie who really has a way with words.
New York Hack Blog