Girl Talk- More Alternative Menstrual Products
Sea Sponge Tampons
Didn’t know there were SO many alternative menstrual products huh? Today’s alternative product is the sea sponge. It’s an alternative to tampons. Basically, they are small, natural sea sponges (sea sponges grow on the bottom of the sea floor) that you insert into the vagina with your fingers. They act to absorb the flow just as a tampon would. The main differences are that it has no applicator, they are free of chemicals, and you reuse them (for 6-8 cycles.)
Since natural sea sponges are rough and scratchy when dry, you moisten them before inserting (unless you like scratchy rough things in your hoo-hoo.) You can cut them down to a size that is comfortable for you. After a maximum of three hours, you can take it out with your fingers, or sew a piece of dental floss to it to make it easier to remove. You can supposedly just wash it out and reuse it, but I did find a source that said that they should be boiled for 5-10 minutes between uses because harmful bacteria can stay inside of them. I, personally, would clean them well, then saturate them with water, microwave it for 5 minutes, then let it sit until cool. You can put a piece of Glad Press and Seal on the floor of the microwave if you are squeamish about putting the sea sponge in direct contact with the microwave. There are other ways to sanitize the sponge. I won’t list them all here. Anyway, I have never actually used these things. I haven't heard as much buzz about them as I have the Diva and Instead cups either. I just wanted to put them out there as an alternative.
Sources for Sea Sponge Tampons:
Luna Pads Sea Sponge Tampons
Goddess Within Sea Sponges
Links to My Other Alternative Menstrual Articles:
The Diva Cup and The Keeper Mestrual Cups
Instead Disposable Soft Cups
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