Research by Clairol shows that 30 percent of women ages 18 to 34 who color their hair are choosing either auburn or strawberry blonde.
Percentages of redheads in different countries range from single digits to a fraction of 1 per cent -- a recent estimate for France is 0.03 per cent of people. (A 1977 estimate for North America is 4 per cent.)
Redheads generally are more numerous in northern latitudes, but also turn up among Hungarians, Egyptians, Israelis and certain Nigerian tribes.
Redheads have the thickest hair, but have the smallest number of strands.
Redheads don't turn grey. Red hair turned sandy, then white. I can verify this b/c my aunt, g-ma, and great g-ma experienced this.
Most sources I found say that read heads account for , at most, 5% of the population.
Red heads need 20% more anesthesia on average than other patients http://www.drkoop.com/newsdetail/93/509658.html
According to the Dr. Koop article, they have a LOWER tolerance for pain.
Research has shown that redheads tend to have skin that is more sensitive to the sun and may have as much as five times the risk of melanoma, a skin cancer. http://www.derm.med.ed.ac.uk/06_teaching/redhairgen.htm
Link to Part I of Yes, I'm a Redheaded Diva
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